Perspektif Interdisipliner Tentang Hubungan Pendidikan Islam, Pendidikan Karakter, dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Peningkatan Etos Kerja


  • Mukhlis Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Jami Banjarmasin Author


Analysis, Relationship, Character Education


This research analyzes the relationship between Islamic religious education and character education and its role in improving work ethics. This study uses qualitative methods by collecting data through in-depth interviews with students, teachers and professionals in various fields of work, as well as observations in school and workplace environments. The research results show that Islamic religious education plays a significant role in forming students' character, including values ​​such as honesty, responsibility and discipline. Character education which is strengthened by Islamic values ​​contributes positively to work ethics, which can be seen from increasing integrity, dedication and professionalism in the workplace. This study concludes that the integration of Islamic religious education with character education can be an effective approach in building a strong work ethic. These findings emphasize the importance of a holistic educational curriculum, which not only develops intellectual aspects, but also moral and ethical aspects of students to prepare them to face challenges in the world of work.


