Peran Penting Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pembentukan Identitas Keislaman Remaja dan Perannya dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Identitas Modern


  • Mukhlis Mukhlis Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Jami Banjarmasin Author


This study analyzes the impact of Islamic religious education on the formation of Islamic identity among adolescents and its role in facing contemporary identity challenges. The main focus of this study is how the curriculum and teaching methods of Islamic religious education in schools contribute to shaping the religious identity of adolescents and strengthening their Islamic values amidst the currents of globalization and modernization. Data were collected through qualitative methods, including in-depth interviews with adolescents, religious teachers, and parents, as well as observations in school and community environments. The results show that Islamic religious education plays a significant role in forming the Islamic identity of adolescents, evidenced by the strengthening of spiritual, ethical, and moral values. Furthermore, a strong Islamic identity helps adolescents face various contemporary identity challenges, such as the influence of pop culture, social media, and secular values. This study concludes that effective Islamic religious education not only forms a robust religious identity but also prepares adolescents to become individuals of integrity who can adapt to dynamic environments. These findings have implications for the development of a more relevant and adaptive religious education curriculum to meet the needs of adolescents in the modern era





